Thursday, 24 February 2011

sorry, this one's boring

Hey there peoples. Back again I am, just in time to watch Human Planet and stuff so watch out below for some pretty homecomputermade pictures.

Flora sends her love, xxx

Sunday, 20 February 2011

1, 2, 3 swish

Um, she looks a bit like a parrot but nevertheless there is still a very obvious swish right there, nice colour co-ordinated shoes and tights matey.

A much shorter swish than usual from Issa's 'Fall' or a/w11 rtw

Flora sends her love, xxx

Saturday, 19 February 2011

wasting my time having fun

So you know, new century, new technology, I'm just embracing the era and stuff, like David Hockey and his iPad. Drawing and other things but on the computer, all Julian Opie like ;)

Flora sends her love, xxx

Thursday, 17 February 2011

i want to wear black and stuff

To be honest, ss11 has had a bit of an opposite effect on me, Prada, as great as it was, has given me a bit of a headache. And right now all I want to do is wear black and dark black, and be all hippy like and say, "Oh look, the worlds my canvas and I must be all neutral like so that people can focus on the world and not me."
It might also look like I've recently been bereaved but that was like the early 1900s and I assume that people have moved on by now.
By wearing black I can be like "Oh yuss dulling, I was born in the 50s and I wear petticoats and I work in very high fashion where we concentrate on how boring we look by wearing black to make us look thinner, it is always black tie dress occasion 24/7 and I'm going to put on my huge black sunglasses now, dulling, so that I can avoid looking at your ugly face. Yuss goodbye now dulling"
Black's so much easier and it hides you from the world so you can people watch without drawing too much attention.
LBDs and so forth.

Flora sends her love, xxx

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

future flora

I have a lota, lota, lota plans for the future, living in Paris, London, NYC, Barcelona, dressing up everyday, growing taller, dyeing my hair ginger even though it won't suit me, etc.
So to speed time up a bit I'm going to decide what I'll wear when I'm older now, (right now) then by the time I have any money to buy things I will already have a huge list of things I need.

Starting off with:

I'm going to be wearing a Marc Jacobs ss11 itchy knitted jumper and paanties suit thing ;) 

Flora sends her love, xxx

eeeeerrr, roll on the photos

Okay, everytime I look at my posts I kind of cringe and pass out, so I'm going to try and talk less for a bit, that way it should be pretty hard to embaress myself. Here come the pictures

Well that was fun. Nice bit of Jordi Labanda mixed in with Irving Penn.
Jordi Labanda is a fashion illustrator/man/spaniard who draws and sells stuff
Irving Penn is this American who once said "Photographing a cake can be art".
There, now your knowledge box has swollen with useless trivia.

Flora sends her love, xxx

Monday, 14 February 2011

swisssh and chips, swisssh and chips

Um, swish coming up

Digging Lindsey Wixson, what other 16-year-old gets to dress up everyday?
Keeping it swishy and stuff in Anna Sui from the SS11 ready to wear
Well it's not entirely swishing in this photo, but pretty certain it is when walked in more vigorously.

Flora sends her love, xxx

happy valentines day peoples

Starting off Valentines Day with 'The Kiss' happyhappy
Let's carry on with the show, *wink and stuff*


Cutsicles. Quite appropriate for Valentines, doncha think?
Now, not going to pretend that I actually like Valentines Day since it doesn't really mean anything to me, but it's so pretty and everything, and Valentine is such a cute name. And you can be all like, oh 'Happy Valentines Day' instead of oh 'Happy Monday' 

Flora sends her love, xxx